Lonnie Knight
Friday January 25th 7:30pm at Bo Diddley’s Downtown St. Cloud
Photos from night of concert http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.455084727890878.102749.148320535233967&type=1
Lonnie Knight has been part of the Minnesota music scene since the Surfin’ Bird first flew our skies: Multiple Minnesota Music Awards winner; member of Jokers Wild and the Hoopsnakes (among other bands); session player and record producer; singer-songwriter. Tonight, he is solo-guy-with-guitar, and you won’t be able to take your ears off him.
“I would rank Lonnie’s guitar work alongside the best song guitarists in the modern folk world, including Richard Thompson, Patty Larkin, Richard Shindell, and Brooks Williams.” –Scott Alarik, Boston Globe
“I don’t know anyone who isn’t in awe of his guitar playing. His songwriting is incomparable with interplay (no pun) between melodic instrumental lines and pure lyrical poetry. He’s a master.”–Madeleine Hart
“His singing has that dark, reedy feel, like a tenor sax gliding through the changes. He’s telling his story as he dives and swerves, and it magnetically pulls you along.”–John Ziegler, Duluth News
This is part of the Five & Dime Series and so we do not sell tickets in advance.
Website: http://www.lonnieknight.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/knightlonnie
YouTube: http://youtu.be/6ge9Ym7a1fg
For more information call Bo Diddley’s downtown St. Cloud location,
We do not take reservations—at Bo’s – and do not set tickets aside without payment.
Seating is assigned according to ticket purchase date for shows at Bo Diddley’s. Requests taken